Deleting a Tournament

Deleting a Tournament

Steps to Delete a Tournament

  1. Access the Tournaments Section:

    • Go to the Dashboard > Sidebar Menu > Admin > Tournaments.

  2. Locate the Tournament:

    • Scroll down to the list of tournaments or use the Search Bar to find the specific tournament you want to delete.

  3. Delete the Tournament:

    • Under the Actions column, click on the Bin Icon (Delete) corresponding to the tournament.

  4. Confirm Deletion:

    • A confirmation popup will appear.

    • Click Confirm to permanently delete the tournament.

Important Notes

  • Deleting a tournament is a permanent action and cannot be undone.

  • Ensure you no longer need the tournament before confirming deletion.

  • Consider exporting any relevant data or reports related to the tournament before deleting.

  • If you are unable to delete a tournament, it is probably because its a "finalized tournament" or because its an ongoing one.

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